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Thursday, 22 January 2015

THE PRINCESS AND THE PIG is still my most borrowed book

The Princess and the Pig
was my most borrowed book
This week I received last year's UK library loans figures for my books, courtesy of the Public Lending Right (PLR) organisation.

The Princess and the Pig illustrated by Poly Bernatene, retains its crown as my most borrowed book, having been borrowed over 23 thousand times. A Secret Worth Sharing, The Pig's Knickers and Bringing Down the Moon, all illustrated by Vanessa Cabban, also stay in the top 5. And Someone Bigger illustrated by Adrian Reynolds, (which topped my chart for seven years between 2005 and 2011) returns to the top 5 after dropping out last year.

The PLR figures show that my books were borrowed from UK libraries a total of 167,799 times last year.

Here are my top 5 most borrowed books.

Position Title Nº of loans Relative Position
1 The Princess and the Pig 23,573
2 A Secret Worth Sharing 12,902
3 The Pig’s Knickers 11,452
4 Bringing Down the Moon 9,549
5 Someone Bigger 9,307

A big THANK YOU to everyone that borrowed my books, the wonderful librarians that made them available and the PLR organisation for helping authors like me to earn a living.

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