If you’ve ever met me and made the mistake of mentioning the subject of “boys not liking books”, I’ll probably have subjected you to my sermon on how many of the key ingredients that appeal to boys are excluded from most picture books and how this results in boys turning to other mediums such as comics, TV and video games where these key ingredients are enthusiastically embraced. I’ll spare you the full sermon here (or I’ll be typing all night), but one of the things I’ve realised since I’ve started writing boy-friendly picture books that include these missing ingredients is that many girls also find them appealing.

Nevertheless, I was still surprised to see a two-year-old girl and her parents (with no older brother) at my
Callum’s Incredible Construction Kit event at Edinburgh last month. The event was advertised for ages five to eight and nearly all of the children attending were boys. At the signing afterwards I discovered she was there because her favourite book was
Monsters: An Owner's Guide (again, not the sort of book you'd expect a two-year-old girl to be fond of) which she’d brought along for me to sign.
It turned out that her dad, Andy, was the editor of
Geekzine, the Edinburgh based website and fanzine, which went a long way to explaining his daughter’s unconventional taste in picture books!
I’ve since done an interview with Geekzine,
which you can find here.
On an unrelated note, I’ve just joined Twitter. You can follow me on @ScribbleStreet or find
my profile page here. Among other things, I’ll be tweeting to say when I’ve added a new entry to this blog.
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