The Princess and the Pig, illustrated by Poly Bernatene, was shortlisted for the Fiction Picture Book category of the CYBILS Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Award a couple of months ago. The winners are selected by a panel of US book-bloggers and the category was eventually won by Me … Jane by Patrick McDonnell last month.
And I'm delighted to announce that The Princess and the Pig has also been shortlisted for the Picture Book category of the Maryland Black-Eyed Susan Book Award 2012-2013, which is voted for by more than 60,000 school children in the US state. I have to confess that I didn't know what a "Black-Eyed Susan" was, but a quick google revealed that it is the perennial daisy that is the state flower of Maryland. The winner of the award will be announced in May 2013.
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