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Friday, 10 January 2020

A SPOT OF BOTHER is still my most borrowed UK library book!

I've just received last year's UK library loans figures for my books, courtesy of the Public Lending Right (PLR) organisation. Although my top 5 books most borrowed books remain the same they have shuffled around a little.

A Spot of Bother, illustrated by Vanessa Cabban, is my most borrowed book for the second year running. The sequel to The Pig's Knickers was taken out of UK libraries just over ten thousand times last year.

Prince Ribbit, illustrated by Poly Bernatene, has remained at number 2, while The Silver Serpent Cupillustrated by Ed Eaves, moves up to number 3 with The Princess and the Pig and Here Be Monsters, both illustrated by Poly Bernatene, completing the top 5.

The PLR figures show that my books were borrowed from UK libraries a total of 114,123
 times last year.

PositionTitleNº of loansRelative Position
1A Spot of Bother
illustrated by Vanessa Cabban
2Prince Ribbit
illustrated by Poly Bernatene
3The Silver Serpent Cup
illustrated by Ed Eaves
4The Princess and the Pig
illustrated by Poly Bernatene
5Here Be Monsters
illustrated by Poly Bernatene

A big THANK YOU to everyone that borrowed my books, the wonderful librarians that made them available and the UK PLR scheme for helping authors like me to earn a living.